Saturday, November 12, 2016

Psathyrella piluiformis "Common Stump Brittlestem"

Sample #9: Psathyrella piluliformis “Common Stump Brittlestem”
Figure 1: close view of the dehydrated pileus; felt covering and bits of parciel veil visible

Figure 2: image of freshly picked sample; note granulated pileus and possible veil remnants on stem

Figure 3: lamellae packed under cap; adnate nature seen at separation at top of image

Phylum: Basidiomycota

Family: Psathyrellaceae

Collection Date: 16 October, 2016

Collector: Kristen Maslach

Habitat: common wood-rotting fungus found on or around stumps of dead deciduous trees

Location: in gathered clump on a dead stump, Mantua, Ohio

Description: Cap red-brown with pieces of veil stuck to the top; veil pieces disappear as the fungus matures; lamellae adnate and close together with a beige coloring; stem 4 to 8mm in diameter, silky white color, straight or slightly curved

Key Used: Peterson, Jens, Alf Gaba and Thomas Læssøe.  MycoKey – the mycological information site.  The Universities of Arrhus and Copenhagen.

Steps for Keying:

                Mushroom with gills (agarics with a stem)

                Found on wood

                Pileus surface felty to hairy

                Pileus color a vivid brown

                Lamellae adnate

                From here, morphological identification



  1. Rather than show the dehydrating sample, better to blow up the picture of the fresh sample so we can see the details more clearly.

  2. Lamellae view is unusual, why not just show the intact underside which would be easier to analyze?
