Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Arachniam album "Puffball"

Sample #12:  Arachnion album “Puffball”
Figure 1: Arachmion album freshly collected; note absence of stem and traditional pileus

Figure 2: detail of matured spores contained inside the peridium; no compartments, arranged in a globe

Figure 3: detail of surface of peridium, fractured in starlike rays

Figure 4: individual spores under magnification

Phylum: Basidiomycota

Family: Agaricaceae

Collection Date: 16 October, 2016

Collector: Kristen Maslach

Habitat: open fields and soil;

Location: collection on a dead tree stump, Mantua, Ohio

Description: gleba spore sack full of sand-like particles;

Key Used: Arora, David (1986).  Mushrooms Demystified.  New York City, New York: Ten Speed Press: an association of Random House Inc. 

Steps for Keying:

                Basidiomycete: pg 52

                Puffballs and Earthstars: “fruiting body round to oval … interior (spore mass) firm when young but powdery and dusty when mature (pg 54)

                Not a bird’s nest: “fruiting body [not] consisting of a “nest” (cup, vase, or bowl) containing one or more “eggs” (peridioles) (pg676)” 

                Not “emerging as a cylindrical, phallic, branched, tentacled or lattice structure (pg 676)”

                “Stalk rudimentary or absent (pg 676)

                “spore mass firm and solid when young…powdery or cottony when mature and usually dispersing fairly soon; columella (internal stalk) typically absent (pg 676)”

                Not “splitting into several starlike rays which unfold or bend (pg 679)”

                Contains no peridioles

                “fruiting body puff-like … lacking a columella and stalk, (pg 679)”, found in sandy soil or open places


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