Sunday, October 9, 2016

Marchantia polymorpha - Liverwort

Sample #4:  Marchantia polymorpha

Figure 1: Thallose leaf of Marchantia polymorpha, with spore ribbon clearly visible

Figure 2: Gemmae in cup-shaped receptacle rising from pores

Figure 3: Close-up of enlarged pores on thallose surface

Phylum: Bryophyta

Family: Marchantiaceae

Collection Date: 22 September, 2016

Collector: Kristen Maslach

Habitat: can grow worldwide in all temperature zones; found on damp soil or rocks in moist areas such as banks of streams, bogs, and greenhouses

Location: muddy rock in the bed of a stream, Squaw Rock, Ohio

Description: Green ribbon-like thallas body; black “midrib” like line of spores running down the middle of the sections; large gemmae cups not in specific recepticles on the thallus structure; raised pore in the center of each polygon division; strong scent

Key Used: Sam Bosanquet et. al.  Thallose Liverworts (and hornworts).  In Field Key to Commoner and/or Distinctive Mosses and Liverworts.

Steps in Keying Process: pg 22-23

                Thallus liverwort

5.       Thallus body with gemmae in obvoious recepticle

6.       Recepticles open-topped, no gemmae on thallus tips

7.       Recepticles cup-shaped
