Sunday, October 23, 2016

Coprinus cornatus "Inkcap"

Sample #6: Coprinus cornatus “Inkcap”
Figure 1: pileus of fresh Coprinus conatus; discoloration of cap possible veil remnant, "scaly" texture to cap fliments

Figure 2: annulus near middle of stalk; dried remnents of black "ink" spore discharge

Figure 3: detail of dried spore "ink" on lamelle; evidence of possible decomposer in left of frame

Phylum: Basidiomycota

Family: Agaricaceae

Collection Date: 17 October, 2016

Collector: Kristen Maslach

Habitat: Saprophilic: found on soil, grass or dung

Location: damp soil near wooded area, Hiram, Ohio

Description: black-spored with high caps, movable annulus, brown tip and feathery scales on surface of pileus, greater than or equal to 3 inches tall, usually forms in groups

Key Used: Peterson, Jens, Alf Gaba and Thomas Læssøe.  MycoKey – the mycological information site.  The Universities of Arrhus and Copenhagen.

Steps to Keying:


                Mushroom with gills (agarics with a stem)

                High pileus (cap)

                Scaly cap surface

                Black ink-like spore exution from black lamellae


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Aneura pinguis - Liverwort

Sample #5: Aneura pinguis
Figure 1: live sample of Aneura pinguis thallose structures on rock; for observational reference
Figure 2: dried sample of Aneura pinguis thallose structures;  dried and reanimated with water

Figure 3: possible male antheridia forming in thallose

Figure 4: Close up view of thallose surface; division-less and pore-less 

Phylum: Bryophyta

Family: Aneuraceae

Collection Date: 15 September, 2016

Collector: Kristen Maslach

Habitat: areas of constant moisture, near streams

Location: soil on back of a creek, Nelson’s Ledgres, Ohio

Description: small thallus ribbons; green, fade to deep purple when dry; no visible divisions on surface; no visible gemmae cups; no division or pores on thallose surface

Key Used: Sam Bosanquet et. al.  Thallose Liverworts (and hornworts).  In Field Key to Commoner and/or Distinctive Mosses and Liverworts.

Steps in Keying: pages 22-23

                Thallose liverwort

                5) No gemmae in receptacles

                8) No markings or pores in upper thallus

                11) Plants deep or vivid green

                15) Thallus section more than 3mm wide

                19) no defined midrib

                23) Greasy appearance with margins curved upward



Sunday, October 9, 2016

Marchantia polymorpha - Liverwort

Sample #4:  Marchantia polymorpha

Figure 1: Thallose leaf of Marchantia polymorpha, with spore ribbon clearly visible

Figure 2: Gemmae in cup-shaped receptacle rising from pores

Figure 3: Close-up of enlarged pores on thallose surface

Phylum: Bryophyta

Family: Marchantiaceae

Collection Date: 22 September, 2016

Collector: Kristen Maslach

Habitat: can grow worldwide in all temperature zones; found on damp soil or rocks in moist areas such as banks of streams, bogs, and greenhouses

Location: muddy rock in the bed of a stream, Squaw Rock, Ohio

Description: Green ribbon-like thallas body; black “midrib” like line of spores running down the middle of the sections; large gemmae cups not in specific recepticles on the thallus structure; raised pore in the center of each polygon division; strong scent

Key Used: Sam Bosanquet et. al.  Thallose Liverworts (and hornworts).  In Field Key to Commoner and/or Distinctive Mosses and Liverworts.

Steps in Keying Process: pg 22-23

                Thallus liverwort

5.       Thallus body with gemmae in obvoious recepticle

6.       Recepticles open-topped, no gemmae on thallus tips

7.       Recepticles cup-shaped
